Abingdon Spares at the Greenwich Concours!

Abingdon Spares at the Greenwich Concours!

Abingdon Spares out and about again! This past weekend was the annual Greenwich Concours, normally held in the begining of the summer season, this year it was moved to the fall. Normally this concours conflicts with the British by the Sea gathering and we are never able to attend. This year the concours and the gathering were not on the same weekend, so we were able to get to both.

Greenwich is held at an outstanding venue, right on the water, in a small park in downtown Greenwich. Space is tight, but it means all the cars are easily approached, no velvet ropes, with the owners close by and glad to talk about their cars. It was quite well attended as you can see by the photos. Five or six cars in most classes, with larger groups for some selected classes, such as Lancia, Allard, and Right Coast Hot Rods. The Allard group was particularly interesting, quite an impressive grouping showing so many of the various models Allard produced.

Here are a few photos of the day, I did not caption them, it is just such a diverse group you will recognize most of the models here. All the cars were of course in outstanding condition, and all certainly could be winners. My favorites were all of the Allards, of course, but the C - Type Jaguar, Yenko Camaro and the coral colored Lincoln Premier stand out for their rarity and the Lincoln for is so 50's color!

Certainly a great experience, but I must admit I feel more at home at a Cars & Coffee event at Abingdon Spares!

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