British Reliability Run 2022!
Abingdon Spares was again a sponsor and a participant in the Connecticut British Reliabilty Run. This year's run was a 3 day tour of nothern New York, Massachussets, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Our hub hotel was at Stratton Mountain in Vermont, and we toured each day from there. 12 teams participated and together raised over $8500.00 for our charity of choice, Paul Newman's "The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp". Great weather, great cars and great people make this a very enjoyable adventure. It involves a lot of driving, almost 700 miles this year, on some beautiful country roads. Neville Wardle of the CT Triumph (and MG) Club plans out a very detailed route map for the participants to follow, turn by turn. There are always some challenging parts of the route, hills, mountains, twists and turns, a good test of your British Car indeed. Unfortunately we did have one car not finish, but certainly not for lack of trying. Every other team did complete the journey, ending up at a brewery in north west Connecticut. It certainly will give you more confidence in your LBC, and it is all for a great cause. To date the Connecticut British Reliability Run has raised close to $50,000.00 for the charity. If you are interested in joining us next year, check the website www.ctbrr.org for more details on next year's run. I hope to add more photos as time goes on. Thanks to Kim Patterson, Lee Magna, Cindy Vibert and Pam Ihling, for many of the great photos.