Spin-On Oil Filter Adaptor for early MGB


Upgrade your early MGB or MGA to a spin on oil filter. Filter sold separately. 

For engines with G, GA and GB prefixes. 

1A NPN Adapter housing
1B NPN Adapter bolt, with ¾ UNF fitting for oil filter
1C NPN Extension, adapter bolt
with female threads on hollow end
1D 435-335 O-ring seal
1E NPN Washer, lock tab
324-800 x 2 Washer, sealing banjo pipe fitting to adapter housing. 

It replaces the canister type oil filter common to the MGA and early MGB. 

Moss offers three filters for use with this adapter, all of which
have the essential bypass valve:

235-880 Spin-on Oil Filter
235-855 Spin-on Oil Filter, WIX (Better)
235-830 Spin-on Oil Filter, K & N Gold Performance (Best)
Of the three, we suggest the WIX or K & N.

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