Head Gasket Set, 1250cc up to Engine 22734

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Complete Head Gasket Set for XPAG engines up to engine number 22734 

This is an oval or banana hole head gasket

Kit includes:

Head Gasket (banana hole) for early engines

Valve Stem Seals

Valve Cover gasket

Tappet Cover gasket

Exhaust/Intake gasket

Water Outlet gasket

Rear Cover gasket

Exhaust Manifold to down pipe gasket

We believe the switch to round head gasket holes was in early to mid 1952, at the same time as the head was revised to accept 3/4" spark plugs. Since many T-Types have had the head replaced by now, and XPAG heads are interchangable in most instances, one cannot be sure that the the cylinder head on the car is original. Best way to check obviously is to remove the cylinder head. Cylinder heads with the oval or banana water holes should have a casting number of 22952, cylinder heads with the round water holes should have a casting number of 168422.

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