Hershey 2017
Abingdon Spares traveled down to Hershey, PA for the AACA Annual Fall Meet! Here are a few photos of the meet, Hershey is not just a Model T and Model A show, all kinds of cars and parts are available there.
As many of you know, the NEMGT Register has their own tent at Hershey in the Orange Field. Sadly the last of the founders of the Register, Dick Knudson, was not in attendance this year, his presence was greatly missed.
Hershey is a great place to be in October, a bit warmer this year than most, but most important, mainly dry weather! Acres of auto parts and accessories, new and used, to hunt through for the perfect piece! Lots of walking, checking and haggling going on!
Everyone should get to Hershey at least once, just to realize the sheer size of it. 9000 vendor spaces and hundreds of cars for sale both in the car corral or the vendor spaces. There is also an RM auction two of the nights for those looking to add to their collection! You can also visit the AACA museum, right down the road. Always the first full week in October, make your plans now.