Spring Cars & Coffee Draws a Crowd!
Saturday April 22 was a cool and cloudy Spring Day in Deep River, and a cool and rainy day in much of the state. This did not stop over 60 cars and their owners from stopping by the Abingdon Spares Cars & Coffee! Lots of interesting cars, from Austin Healeys to Volkswagens joined this casual, low key event. No prizes, no special car type, just come as you are and enjoy the coffee, comradery, and lots of car talk! We always seem to attract a diverse crowd, and everyone appreciates the wide variety of sports cars. Folks either "have one". "had one", "want one", or just enjoy seeing them all. I can't remember every one, but in addition to the afore mentioned marques, lots of MGs, Bs, As, Midgets and T-types and of course the Magnette and YA saloons. A few Triumphs, practically a Lotus meet (4 total I think!), a flock of Volvos, one of the last original Mini-Coopers, and a couple of Jaguars. Early American cars were represented by a Model T, a Model A, a very interesting early Buick and a new Corvette! Sorry if I have forgotten any particular marque that might have been there, it was a great time for all in attendance. We will schedule another one later in the summer. Thanks to all who attended, and a special thanks to everyone for keeping the parking lot clean at the end of the event (with the exception of a few unexplained oil spots! Here are a few photos of the day.